Since posting the previous entry and challenging Vodacom to do the right thing, a bit has happened.
I received another spam from Vodacom yesterday, no less than a multi-media message advertising various of their products, branded in the all new red Voda colours.
Once again I received a promise to be removed from the marketing database of Vodacom South Africa.
I was also pointed at the Direct Marketing Association's opt-out database (Joe is listed there).
So far nothing new ....
Vodacom also declined to accept the challenge, meaning invariably I will be subjected to more of the same marketing abuse, despite their apology and promise to remove me. These promises are simply not credible anymore.
So, it appears Vodacom is not interested in doing the right thing and "making me smile today". I can only but wonder how many other subscribers have their privacy violated by Vodacom.
Challenge extended
I challenge the other South African cellular service providers to respond to this blog and explain to the South African consumer how they would have handled this challenge, but more importantly how they handle privacy issues and requests not to be contacted.
These responses will be published on this blog verbatim and may assist future subscribers facing he same rabid marketing issues in making an informed decision as to who will respect your privacy.
In the meantime, Joe himself will be porting away from Vodacom ....
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